Autosloperij de Zaag is the place to be if you want to buy a scrap car! We are a professional and qualified car dealership specialised in car disassembly and procurement. For over 40 years, we have been offering a large assortment of scrap cars and car parts for a wide range of car brands. All parts are carefully registered in our warehouse database, so we always know exactly what we have in store and whether or not we can supply the right materials for your car!

Scrap car procurement at Autosloperij de Zaag

The site of Autosloperij De Zaag in Krimpen aan den IJssel contains over 500 different types of scrap cars, all for sale or available for disassembly. Of course, we have done most of the work for you and you are welcome at our warehouse where we offer a wide assortment of car parts. In order to keep our stock up to date and to be able to offer you the widest possible product range, we are procuring scrap and salvage cars on a continuous basis. Got a car you would like to sell? Let us know!


In addition to buying cars and selling parts, we also buy and sell entire scrap cars. Online, you will find our latest assortment of scrap cars of various brands for you to work on yourself! Request a quotation for one of our cars, no strings attached, or come take a look at our scrap facility. For questions, please get in touch via e-mail or phone: 010 – 4201897.

Contact us

You can use the following address details to get in touch with us or complete the contact form so we can contact you as soon as possible.
Autosloperij De Zaag
Zaag 1
2931 LD Krimpen a/d Lek

010 - 4201897 of 0180-519553

Mon - Fri 8.30 AM - 17.30 PM
Saturday- 9 AM - 00 PM